
Thursday, January 17, 2008, this thing on?

Sheesh, how does time fly so fast. I still haven't had time to put my pictures yet and come blog.

Well, Mr. E officially turned 4 yesterday. He's making quite the party rounds, lol. We seem to be having a Pirates of the Caribbean theme going. On Tuesday at school, I brought cupcakes in a Jack Sparrow theme for snack time. Then yesterday for the official birthday, he chose Ryan's of all places to eat -- he wanted steak and mashed potatoes.

We gave him a Batman sword that makes noises on his birthday, he's been dying to get it forever. So today I went today to find him a nice birthday gift and walmart had a Pirates of the Caribbean tv for only $64. He already has a Pirates CD player that is made out of Davy John's chest that had his heart in it. He's going to be thrilled. On a side note about sewing, I'm going to make him a quilt and shams for his bed out of Timeless Treasures Pirate's Cove fabrics. My MIL has a lady that will machine quilt for only $35!!

Then we're off to Oklahoma for Meme's house this weekend to celebrate Mr E and my husband's birthday and to install a new oven for Meme (from craig's list for $85, roflmao!). Mr E was my wonderful birthday to gift to my husband 4 years ago, lol. They are 6 days apart.

And then the partying concludes next weekend with his first official "kid" party. He's been begging me for a kid party with his friends from school since he went to his friend's party in September. Have you priced kid parties lately? Man, they are expensive. So...Chuck E Cheese was actually the cheapest.

And guess what wonderful surprise I found today!! I won a Pajamagram from The Mom Blogs!!

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