
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Nursing Apron Top Tutorial

Yay!! It's here!! Here is the link to the Nursing Apron Top Tutorial. Just be warned, all I had to model was a child size mannequin, so I apologize for the full length shot, lol. I'm sorry it took so long to finally arrive. I'll be putting a direct link to this new tutorial right after this post over in the freebie list on the left.

I'm off to go sew some appliques, I'll have a S&S show sometime this week. I'll take pictures as I go along if anyone is interested in a tutorial for applique on a onesie - just let me know and post a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:02 PM

    PPC Ad
    very useful, thanx a lot for this blog ..... This aws what I was looking for.
