
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What a loser am I

Sorry I've been ignoring this little place o'fun. I have been so busy. I swear the last month of school for my kids, they rev it up to overdrive. We had to go to stuff every week - sports banquet, preschool party, field day, a field trip to the zoo...AHHH!

Then I am on the last sections of my school work, so they expect like perfect since you are so close to graduating and the amount of work has literally quadrupled, like from 15 assignments to 65!!

Ugh, so that's where I've been, working, driving kidlets around, and my new crafty obsession (read below). That and reading. I have some wonderful new books to share in a post later this week. I need to get a job at Half Price Books - that or buy stock in them.

Ok, ok, so I finally remember to take a picture of my pink hair. I have totally cropped this picture because #1 my hair looked like crap that day, and #2 I had not bathed when I took the picture, so you get to a see a small section of my pink hair. Enjoy, lol! I'm thinking of changing colors when I get my hair done in a couple weeks, for some reason blue has been calling my name...I'm not sure why.


So my mother, the craft ADHD lady that she is, taught me a new craft. She learns all these totally awesome crafts, buys all the supplies, then she quits making the stuff and I steal all her supplies. It's a great thing for moi, her - not so much, lol. Or maybe she quits making them because I steal her supplies....hmm? I'm not sure. Though I do have a little story about being 3 months pregnant, and my mom wanted to sew the entire nursery for my first born, and so we bought TONS of fabric and what happened? Well, let's just child was 5 yrs old when my mom finally finished the crib quilt. The one and only thing that came from all the fabric. Then she gave me the rest to sell on eBay.

Anyway, so she taught me how to make Altered Domino's with alcohol inks and I've become obsessed. Forget sewing...I LOVE making these things. So here are a couple of my faves. Sorry it's kinda dark, my dear husband has lost my Corel Suite software - though he told me he was putting them somewhere for safekeeping when we got new carpet, he now has no idea where that was.




When I have about a dozen made up in the next week or so, I am going to finally open up my Etsy store.

Oh and yes I am not a total loser, I swear to the flying spaghetti monster that the nursing apron top is coming very, very, very soon.

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