
Friday, July 11, 2008

Attn: Homeschooling Mamas - Mardel is having a sale

I was at Mardel last night picking up some of my kid's homeschooling curriculum and they had signs all over the store. Next Thursday, July 17th, they are having special hours 8 AM to 10 PM with 20% of all the education stuff. They carry a lot of HS books I was looking for like Handwriting without Tears and Wordly Wise and Easy Grammar. They had others like Saxon math. Lots of other stuff too. If anybody knows if they carry Singapore Math, post in the comments. I did not find it and they were closing so I didn't have time to ask, but I'm thinking of trying another one to see if they carry it, I had heard they did carry it.

I'm not sure what's not included in the sale, but it's all education and office stuff on sale. They do have an ad on their website for this sale.

Also, I don't know if it is a well known thing, but Homeschool Buyer's Coop is a great place to buy discount programs in a co-op. I purchased a subscription for Mr. E for Click n Read phonics. He LOVES it. He just started and he's already learning to read his very first words. He's 4 yrs old and has been dying to read for quite some time, but was not into doing phonics with me. He wanted something he could do himself, and this program is wonderful for that. At the co-op, it is only $29.99 for a lifetime subscription for 1 child. Additional children are cheaper to add.

Anyway Homeschool Buyer's Coop is free to join. You can even print off a homeschool teacher ID for yourself so you can get discounts where educators get discounts. They don't charge a membership, just fees for when you buy products. So far I am really impressed.

And Miss Em wanted to go ahead and start school, so I was going to sign her up for Big Spelling Time, but they now are called Big IQ Kids and have spelling, vocabulary, math, and states and a special price of $59.99 for a 1 yr subscription to all 4 and I think I read that was a limited time price. She loves it, everything but math. The math is hard without writing stuff down, so we are going to do math in workbooks, but the vocabulary and spelling are fun, and when you finish a lesson, you get tokens to go play games. I had Em do the demo lessons and she really enjoyed them before we purchased it.

1 comment:

  1. I plan on being at Mardel early that morning (we are getting things for my daughter's Kindergarten year - our first year to homeschool); I talked to a lady that works at Mardel, and she said it is crazy! But the good news is that if they run out of a product they will order it for you at the discounted rate!
