
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Chinese Takeout

So I finally caved in and bought Twilight by Stephanie Meyer at Walmart today. The movie preview looks interesting, and I love to read the book before the movie (and if you haven't seen Memoirs of a Geisha - read the book first, they leave out so many things in the movie, it's annoying). Usually I wait forever to buy popular books as I don't like all the hype, but it looks good.

My newest obsession as you may have noticed is ATC swaps over at Swap-bot. I just love them. So I have several swaps in the works. I forgot to take pictures before I mailed out some bookmarks I made for a swap where you send a list of 10 favorite books some bookmarks, but I did remember to take a picture of this one.

This swap is for ATCs made out of only a Chinese restaurant menu and a fortune. My favorite chinese buffet had this beautiful design with dragons and goldfish on the front. You couldn't use anything else on your ATC, which was hard, I'm an embellisher by nature so I had to really hold myself back. One is called Lucky Goldfish and the other is called Go For It.

Now I'm off to make paper dresses for another swap.

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