
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fairy ATCs

So I've been swapping over on Swap-Bot and I joined my first ATC swap. If you don't know what an ATC is, it stands for Artist Trading Card. It is basically a little piece of art you create the size of a baseball trading card, and people trade and collect them. There are even yahoo groups dedicated to collecting and trading. Just do a search on google to find all kinds of sites on how to make them. When you da a swap for one, there is usually a theme, and the theme for this swap of ATCs was fairies.

I had never made one before. I have admired many, but just never tried it. Well this weekend, we went over to my mom's house and I made one. I need to make a second one for my swap since we are to send 2 before I send it, but just wanted to go ahead and post this one because I really like how it came out. My flash kinda washed out the bottom of the card, but it still looks pretty good. I'll post my second one, when I finish it later this week. I'm still deciding on what kind of fairy to use.

For this one, I used embossing powder and then stamped over it, and the part you can't see is that I sprinkled a tiny bit of embossing powder, like a dusting across the entire card, to give it a sparkly feel, and then used the heat gun to set it - that part came out just perfect, so when you tilt the card just slightly it sparkles.


And the person sending to me already sent my fairy ATCs, and they are hand drawn fairies! They are really beautiful. I really like the one up on her tiptoe, doing an arabesque, reminds me of my own ballerina.


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