
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!!

Here she is my sweet little birthday girl, when she was only 3 yrs old and fell asleep in the laundry basket. I remember she went to the kitchen to get something, and when I didn't hear anything after a few minutes, I went to check on her and found this. I had to take a picture. But tomorrow, Ms Em is turning 9 yrs old. Where has the time gone? Wasn't she just this little tiny baby in my arms yesterday? I'm going to blink and she'll be a teenager. Can we please stop the time flying by?

So to celebrate, we are going to the American Girl Store in Dallas to the American Girl bistro for lunch, and then do some fun shopping in the store for her dolls. The bistro has all kinds of stuff, even heart-shaped ravioli and pink lemonade -- how cute is that? And they have little highchairs for your doll to sit in at the table with you. This part she knows about, but I have a secret present she has no idea is coming, and I think she's going to be thrilled about it.

This is her secret present. She has this weird Barbie mp3 player, it's shaped like a barbie and you can play with it online, sort of like a webkinz. But for the actual mp3 player, I have to convert anything from iTunes into a cd before I can load it with songs, such a pain in the rear. So while we were at dance clinic today, I had her dad go get a purple iPod shuffle, and then I had him fill it with songs from the loves of her life - better known as the Jonas Brothers, lol. According to Ms Em, all music is inferior to the Jonas Brothers' music. I think she's going to die when she sees it. She's been complaining about my tastes in music. Excuse me, but who doesn't love Jason Mraz and Coldplay? So I'm hoping that maybe this will help.


  1. Have fun at the American Girl store! I went with my niece last year and it was a blast for everyone involved, save room for dessert...

  2. Anonymous6:11 AM

    My DD turned 9 at the american girl store in Chicago last November - such fun!
    In fact, it is on her list for this year too.
