
Friday, August 15, 2008

Twinkie Sushi

I have an obsession with sushi made out of other things like rice krispies, felt, yarn, and now, Twinkies. I found this recipe for Twinkie sushi on the Hostess website and had to include it with my other sushi finds.

Did you know Hostess has all kinds of recipes for their products? They had some cute ones for their coconut snowballs. I don't like the snowballs as I hate coconut. The whole texture of it just doesn't do it for me.

I was at the Hostess website because I opened a package of mini choclate chip muffins and popped one in my mouth and it had hard little pieces of plastic in it that looked chewed up. So I sent them an email just now. I'm kinda grossed out over this. I don't know if I can eat a chocolate chip muffin ever again.

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