
Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Waves

Thank god I finished the Twilight books. Those characters are like haunting my every thought. I am forcing myself to start reading something else right now to get them out of my head. But I thought they were great books. It was a really fast read too. I'm really not sure what people were complaining about in the last book, I thought it summed everything up just perfect, but I'm all for happy endings.

I'm working on some ATCs I'll post tomorrow hopefully. I received some in trade today that are just gorgeous. I gotta find the camera to take pictures.

So here is my current obsessive song, it's by Elisa called The Waves. She's an Italian singer, so her stuff is not really well known here, but it's just beautiful. I just love her songs, Rock Your Soul is other fave by her. But a word of caution, the video storyline is utterly stupid. The song has such a great story to it, and they did nothing with it. The video is just bizarre because it seems to have nothing to do with the song.

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