
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Well....I'm back

And I have some news. I had a birthday, now I'm the big 32, woo to the freakin hoo. Can you see my enthusiam? Yeah, I thought so.

So my news? Well...from my cryptic speak from a few other posts, this might make sense now. I'm getting a divorce. It's actually for the best. We're both happy with the decision. It's been bad for a long time....for years. I can't even remember why I married him and frankly, I don't want to remember. And apparently this decision has been coming to a head within me for a long while, and now that's it's finally out, I feel free. In fact, people I talk to on the phone can hear the happiness in me now.

So it's good, I'm ok, and I'm happy. I'm going back to school next semeseter, finish my nursing degree and can start life over. I'm excited about the challenge.

The KVM switch for my computers crapped out again (yeah this is like the 3rd one that's crapped out, don't ask me what I do to those things). I have 2 computers hooked to 1 monitor - one for my work and one for my fun, lol. Anyway, so as soon as I get all the wires hooked back up with the new switch again, I'll post pictures of the Disneyland vacation.

And oh, I discovered my next indie music love, Matt Duke. I love, love his music. One of my faves is Sex and Reruns, it makes me dance, lol. He has a great voice and love his lyrics. His album just recently dropped, and I picked it up on iTunes as a birthday present to myself, lol. Here is a song of his that speaks to my heart, Rabbit:

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