
Friday, November 14, 2008

Hmmm, well I spoke to soon

Ok I'm officially terrified....I have a date for Saturday. A date!! I haven't been on a date since...well the 90s. What the heck was I thinking? It's just dinner, but I'm so nervous. He's a police officer. He seems very nice. Cross your fingers for me. I will be trying to remind myself to breathe....

Like Mat Kearney? I love this song of his, Breathe In, Breathe's a little fitting...I love the original video, but the embedding is disabled, darn it, so we're going with the Grey's Anatomy version.

Well....he just called me in his patrol car! We talked til he had to go on a call...sirens blaring, lol! I think we are clicking, I'm not so nervous anymore. He's easy to talk to. Wow! Now I might just be getting excited. Wish me luck....I'll post this weekend and let ya know how it goes.

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