
Friday, November 21, 2008

Oh wow!

So I had another date today with a wonderful man, he's an aviation mechanic, but also going to school full time for electrical engineering. He's also a pilot! We went for coffee. We were supposed to do it on Tuesday, but his 3 yr old got sick, so we had to change it to today -- yep amazing as he is, he's also a single dad with no mom in the picture.

I think the only way to describe it is....WOW!!! There were sparks....huge firework sparks....but they were there when we first talked on the phone too, I was just surprised at the intensity today. I could get lost in his beautiful blue eyes, and when he smiled at me....I had to look away to stop any blushing. And then, when I finally had to go because I was late to pick up my son from preschool, he kissed me and it was magical...neither one of us wanted it to end.

And he called me a few minutes after I had left him and asked if my heart was still pounding like his was. He is amazing....sigh.

Now here is the funny thing...a few days ago, I was making a list in my head of the kind of guy I wanted....and I told myself I want the guy who notices the little things and tells me how good I smell and how beautiful I am....and I don't want someone to use the word "pretty," the man I desire is the one who says "you are beautiful."

When I got home a few hours later, I saw him online, and we chatted and one of the first things he said was how wonderful I smelled when he kissed me, and then he asked me how I got this little scar on my ear, and I jokingly asked how he noticed that and if he was memorizing me, and he said that yes he was and that he had been taking me all in for the 2 hours we talked and that I was very beautiful.....gosh, can you believe that? I'm beginning to wonder if someone took that little list in my head and created him for me, lol. Needless to say, we are seeing each other again on Saturday night. I think I've died and gone to heaven.

(and just so everyone knows....he reads my Sam, you are amazing and I can't wait to see you on Saturday.)

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