
Friday, December 05, 2008 goes on, lol

Gosh, I never realized how people played games when it comes to kinda sucks. Well I did have an interesting conversation with someone who said he believes the universe speaks to him through movies and songs...kinda weird, but I'd love to believe in something like that. I did find a wonderful friend accidentally on craigslist. We have become quite close and he is so much fun, problem is...he's married with 5 kids in bad marriage...but he is a great friend. here is my new anthem...Nickelback - Gotta Be Somebody...cross your fingers for me I have some dates this weekend and hoping one of them turns into something...geez, I'm tired of first dates....can I just skip to second dates?

Off to workout and go for a run, i'm freezing and need it to warm me up, lol - great work out song - Hot n Cold - Katy Perry - love it!!

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