
Sunday, January 18, 2009

For the Etsy and handmade children's items out there....please read

As of February 10th, a law will be inacted to prevent lead paint getting into children's toys, which is a good thing. However, this will make it very expensive for Etsy sellers, small at-home-crafters and artisans and the likes because it will require everyone to have a sample tested of each item to the tune of $400-$4000. Since most of us can't afford this, it will mean many will go out of business. All that is needed is an easy fix with a simple amendment much like the FDA uses with small producers.

So if you could, please go to the Handmade Toy Alliance. It will explain this more in detail, and you will find a sample letter to send to your congressman and senator as well as a petition to sign. Thanks!

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