
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sewing Patterns and Other Stuff

I have fixed the links for the sewing patterns to the left over there <---.  They are now available for purchase, and they are immediately downloadable patterns.  You gotta scroll a little to get to them over there, so this is a direct link to patterns

I'm also in the middle of designing a new bag pattern as well as some clothing patterns.  I usually end up designing a pattern out of necessity for myself.  Isn't there some quote about necessity breeds invention or something like that? (It's late, I have just-had-a-baby brain and cannot remember's starting to give me a complex)  Hopefully the bag one will be ready for testing by school starting, so think about if you want to be a pattern tester. I'll be making a request.

And Wednesday (which is technically tomorrow since it's nearly 3 AM), my wonderfully sweet and kissable husband is taking THE BIGGEST TEST OF HIS LIFE, also known as the series 7.  It's the stockbroker exam so he can be doing the actual trades at work.  I know he's going to pass with flying colors as he has done awesome and at the top of his group at work.  But at 8 AM CST on Wednesday I'm making a request for positive thoughts for my sweetheart, so he is not stressed out and doesn't worry. 

I have to gush about my husband.  I cannot believe the stuff he is studying for this test and how well he is doing.  He made some not so smart choices as a teenager and ended up dropping out of high school and getting a GED.  It's something he has regretted ever since.  In his group at work, he is the only one without a college degree and a lot have their degree in finance, and he still managed to get the highest grade on a practice test of the series 7.  The financial stuff he is studying right now just blows my mind, and he knows it all so well.  I'm just so proud of him.  I'm planning on doing something special once his tests are over.  He has the state exam, the series 63, a week from Friday and once that's one over, he'll be done with all this studying and testing.  He has worked so hard, so I want to give him something special.  He reads my blog every once in awhile, so I can't divulge my secrets just yet.

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