
Sunday, September 04, 2011

Art Girl

Why do I bother posting with my iPhone?  It messes this thing up all the time.  I'm now fixing this post for the last damn time, lol.

While waiting for diapers to dry at 2:30 in the morning last night, I made this for Mol's room. The kids each have a little "mommy" work of art on their walls so I felt like it was time for hers. I don't like how her name is, so I'm going to change it after I find this certain set of alphabet stickers in my stash today.
I think this little art doll is my favorite. I hand sewed the entire thing. I thought the orange hair was a little fitting because #1 Molly was born with red hair ( though it's now blonde) and #2 amazingly fir being a baby her hair is nearly identical to the styled mess if the doll. Lol!

Without the other kids on this holiday weekend, my next project is Em's apron tonight.

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