
Monday, September 12, 2011

A little something I never posted

I always meant to post pictures of our wedding favors, but I think that a pregnancy and then an adorable baby got in my way. Well I found some of the leftovers while I was getting our wedding things for a shadow box I'm making for our wedding day and thought I'd share.

I decided on Hershey chocolate bars because you can buy them super cheap in bulk at Costco. And I could make these for next to nothing, which is about what we could afford. I planned a mixed media art design with vintage pictures and ephemera. I think the most expensive part was the flower stickers. I got the black pouches from Foilman. 

Our wedding had a red/black theme. So I watched for scrapbook paper sales at Michael's and Hobby Lobby to get the paper and cardstock super cheap.. Then I spent a few late nights cutting everything to size and gluing it all together.

 The back I created after looking at a few online. I printed it on white address labels. 

My favorite is this last one because the vintage couple looks like us. It's the one I'm putting it in the shadow box with our invitation and hubby's boutonniere.  I'll post later this week after I've finished it up.  I need some black linen like cardstock first.  

Look for my newest tutorial up later this week   I have to read a couple of chapters and take a couple quizzes before I can get back to sewing this week. 

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