
Saturday, October 15, 2011

I finally found this song!

This is an odd story...okay well not really, but whatever I'm telling it anyway.  As the few people who read this have probably realized throughout this blog, my husband is a HUGE Harry Potter freak.  Before baby #3, we were able to go to a lot more Harry Potter stuff.  Back when Half Blood Prince came out in the theaters, there were tons of parties and gatherings, blah, blah, blah.  We are some of the crazy people that dress up.  We usually go as Tonks and Lupin.  Anyway, so as other HP people know, there are wizard rock shows.  We went to a few of them, and at two of them was this band, The MudBloods, who consisted of one guy, Adam Dubberly.  We picked up his unmarked albums at one of this shows, and it wasn't wrock music, it was something else.  Hubby and I loved it.  I think at the last show we saw I was throwing out requests for these songs and asking him the names of the songs.  I just found him online again with a new band called Harvey Dowd, but I'm not sure if it's still in existence. I think he's a great lyricist. If you like their music, you can go to their site, Harvey Dowd, and download the entire album for free. I love all the songs on the album. We have a few more songs on that mystery album we bought that are just wonderful too.  

Here is one of my favorites in an acoustic version:

Here is Hubby's favorite. It even made him go read The Great Gatsby:

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