
Monday, April 16, 2012

Tutorials are back up!!

Sorry for the problems!! I let my site lapse at godaddy and then I got busy and forgot to move it somewhere else. I'm an idiot.

I've been feeling so guilty for never posting anything here. I swear I never sit down...well the only time I do sit down is if I'm nursing the baby. There is just not enough time in the day. Hence, why I'm posting here at 2:30 in the morning. I've been in organizer mode the last few days, so maybe I will figure out how to organize blogging time into my day. I swear I'm going to make an effort.  I am never this kind of procrastinator.  I was that girl in high school and college who turned in papers WAY early.  I don't know what my deal is now. 

Anyway, tutorials should all be functioning. If you find one that isn't, please email me at stephanickety at yahoo

 My youngest dd's birthday is in 6 days. I can't believe she's turning 2!! I'm going to make her a little top or onesie to go along with this awesome little Gymboree tutu I found at a thrift store. I was looking at the birthday tees over at and they have this cute little cupcake one that has a swirling ribbon as the "icing." Totally cute, but no way am I paying that kind of money for a birthday shirt. So in the next day or so, I'm going to whip it up and sew and show here. Maybe I'll be smart enough to make a tut for it.

After we moved last year to a very tiny, less than 2000 people town, our access to a decent library went out the window. The library here is not nice. There are never any good new fiction books, the librarian is a total witch, and when I request books from their "partner libraries"  in other small towns, I wait 6 months. I'm still waiting for most of them.

So, we finally shelled out $50 for the entire year to have a wonderful library. It's just like the one we left, and there are 3 branches and LOTS of new fiction. We went last Sunday and came home with 2 giant stacks of books, with some for everyone. I even found Mr. Wizard DVDs. Remember him on Nickolodeon? My son was mesmerized. He's gonna be my little science genius when he grows up. I'm going to have to check out the entire collection for him. I digress...

To get on with something sewing related about the library, I found these adorable little "softies" books for my tween crafter. Out of all the books, she chose to make a Poo Baby. A Poo Baby!! Then she made me do all the work. He is an upcycled poo baby. The directions called for felt, but we used a bag of t shirts for a future garage sale and then some felted wool from some sweaters I cut up. I'll be happy to post the pattern I made, if anyone would like to create their own poo baby. Just post in the comments. 

Wow now that I'm writing this, I have so much to tell you guys.  Ok....I'm spacing it out in posts.  Next post will be about my awesome new garden and the amazing pumpkin cheesecake swirled brownies I made yesterday.  And the books I've been reading...

Hmm, wait I have an idea.  I live by my iPhone calendar.  Okay, I have a plan.  I will lay in bed while I attempt to fall asleep right now (between my obsessions with Draw Something, BeJeweled and Words with Friends) and every couple of days I will input a topic I need to come talk about.  On that day, I will do it.  And, I can blog on my iPhone, so that kills two birds with one stone.  I can do that anywhere...waiting for kids at swim practice, waiting for kids after school, waiting for kids at the orthodontist.  I have a mission.  As my husband will tell you, I live for missions. I am always finding a new mission.  Once we finish one, I start on something else we MUST do, lol.

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