
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Review: The Forest of Hands and Teeth

The Forest of Hands and Teeth
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I have not finished the trilogy for this book yet. I will probably come back and write more in this review once I have.

This is the story about a girl named Mary who lives in a village surrounded by fencing. It's run by this mysterious Sisterhood who provide everything to everyone in the village. The fence keeps out the Unconsecrated, basically zombies.

Mary dreams of leaving the village to see the ocean. Her mother told her stories about her great-great-great grandmother swimming in the ocean. No one has left the village for generations.

On the morning of Mary's marriage to a boy she doesn't love, the village is swarmed by zombies and all that are left are Mary, her betrothed, her best friend and her best friend's betrothed (whom Mary loves), a little boy, and her big brother and sister-in-law. There are gates that lead further into the forest with narrow fenced paths that no one has ever used. But, when the zombies take over, the only choice this group has is to start down the paths.

It is a nailbiting journey, but that seems to be all it is. It seems the only things that happen are zombies and people being killed. Mary keeps making selfish, childish decisions that end up killing people she loves.

I liked it, but I wish there was more depth to the characters and the back story. It just seems the story starts out many many generations into the future where all they have ever known are zombies and the mysterious Sisterhood and no one questions it. Who are the Sisterhood? Where did they come from? Why are they so damn religious? Why are there so may zombies in this forest?

I did enjoy the story, so I am anxious to read books #2 and #3 to see if there is more depth to the story besides zombies and dying.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking this in to Books You Loved on Carole's Chatter. Have a great week.
