
Sunday, February 24, 2013

I'm a moron

Sorry I haven't been updating the blog in a week or so.  We have been through 2 or 3 rounds (I lost count) of sickies over here.  I have the lovely task of water boarding my toddler for the next week with her antibiotics.  Fun stuff, I tell ya.

Then, my daughter begged to have the cast party for her One Act Play at our house, so that was last night.  Apart from one incident where a dozen teenagers ran outside around 9:30 at night to play "outside ninja" (whatever that is...), they all had a great time.  My sweet husband watched from the kitchen looking wistfully as if he missed his teenage years. You could not pay me enough money in the world to return to 8th grade.

And now, it will be another week before I add a tutorial or update because I've got a craft fair next weekend that I'm currently working on.

Oh yes, and the reason I'm a moron has nothing to do with any of these things. It's because I thought I was being smart. I got the bright idea to organize my pictures over at Photobucket. I made all these little albums and organized all my pictures into the appropriate albums.  This was around 2 weeks ago.  And to my surprise, I just realized today, just now, that when I did that it completely screwed over all my pictures on this blog.  So, I'm sitting here fixing them all.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

If you go to some long lost post and see the pictures are missing, please email me at stephanickety at yahoo and tell me which ones.  I'll fix them asap.  

Sorry I am a complete idiot for totally messing up the posts. 

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