
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Michael's Clearance Score!!

Get thee rear to Michael's for some super cool deals in their clearance corner.

So I went to Michael's for some of this moldmaking stuff. I want to make a mold of a toy of my daughter's to go along with a neat idea for a shadow box I'm making for my sewing studio.

If you want to see more, here is a neat site called The Enchanted Gallery, I found that shows what they do with this mold-n-pour stuff.

Anyway, I was there to buy that stuff, which wasn't on clearance or sale or anything, but I happened upon the clearence section on my way to the checkout, and I found Paton Classic Wool skeins for $2. They had a bunch of a burgundy color and I picked up the last 3 skeins of Rich Red - and all in the same dye lot. I'm debating on felting or crocheting or maybe both.

And my sweet little Mr E found himself a monster foam stamp, those cubed foam stamps. This one was pretty cute with monsters and a pair of monster feet, and it range up for 1 cent, originally $3. Pretty good!

So just an FYI, they had tons of scrapbooking stuff and toys and lots of other stuff too in the clearance section for cheap.

Okeydoke, I'm hungry, it is past lunch, Mr E is having naptime and I'm making a bowl of Life cereal and headed to off to spend 15 minutes watching a little bit o' Jericho. And, I just read they canceled it AGAIN. I hate CBS. So, if you want to get it back on the air AGAIN, head over to the community part and there are several posts that tell you the links to go to join the Jericho Rangers and get it back on the air again.

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