
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So after my 1000th viewing of Enchanted....

it dawns on me. Have you ever noticed in the animated scene where Giselle is creating her true love from her dream, it's not Prince Edward, but Robert from the scene at the Queen's Ball? I always assumed it was Edward. I never noticed it til we watched it for the thousandth time today. Just a weird thought I guess and felt like sharing.

Wouldn't it be cool in real life if a large giant group of people out in public somewhere just came together in a broadway caliber singing and dance number? Can you tell I've been watching this movie too much? It's just soo cute...I cried in the theater at the end when you see all the happily ever sweet. My daughter things I'm crazy because I cry at movies. You should have seen me at Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. I was near sobs for most of that movie.

Sigh, I just love movies....ok enough weirdness I gotta get back to work.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Oh my, I never noticed that. I'm watching it right now...and you're right. WOW...! I've never noticed that.

    I love this movie. Maybe it's because I'm a hopeless romantic. *sigh...
