
Friday, August 14, 2009


Well I think life has somewhat settled down for me to find time to blog. So many things have changed. I met the man of my dreams a few days before I quit blogging back in February. We have been inseparable ever since. This is him...and an original song he wrote:

My divorce was done and final way back in April. I moved out of my parents home. Now my love and I live together with my children. We are all very happy. I could not ask for a better guy, he fits in so well with my children and I, it's like he's been here from the beginning. We have plans to run off to Vegas in a few months to get married.

I'm almost finished with my bachelor's degree. I will "probably" graduate in the spring. Probably being the operative word because of some news down further in my post.

I was promoted and became the boss of the lab, and I've increased production and efficiency so they are very happy with me. The girl who was there before me went a little crazy and quit her job and behaved so disrespectful to me, they asked her to leave when she gave her 2 weeks' notice.

And the biggest news of all.....WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!! I'm not due til April, we just found a couple days ago. After all the infertility crap I had to go through with my ex, this surprise was absolutely wonderful. My love is thrilled, and it will be his first time being a father from the very beginning (he's already a wonderful parent to my children). Though I have to admit, I'm a tad worried....morning sickness and twinges of pain in my boobs and uterus have already started which make me wonder at only 3 weeks pregnant if I'm having more than one, lol. Both times before that didn't hit til 8 weeks.

Now the fun part....telling my boss...yikes!! And then telling my parents and the ex. We told the kids last night. They are beyond thrilled about having a new little one, and since they are going to their dad's tonight, I'm guessing I won't be the one telling him.

So hopefully I'll have some sew and shows of maternity stuff. This nausea is already forcing me into elastic waist pants, lol, and I feel like I'm wearing pajamas, so some skirts will be made this weekend....on another note...have you tried the Angry Chicken 5-minute skirt? I am totally addicted.

1 comment:

  1. Happiness all around for you!!!! Congratulations to ALL of you! xo
