
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Going to the chapel and we're.....

Gonna Get Married!!

Yep, my birthday weekend, he proposed. birthday was Sept 25th, a Friday. My ex had the kids that weekend. And N wanted to take me to his hometown (where we met) for Saturday. It was lots of fun. We went to the "square" (you know those fun little downtowns in small towns?) and shopped and went to our favorite little ice cream place and antique stores, etc.

Anyway, they have this amazing old bookstore on the square that was originally an opera house. How cool is that? It has all kinds of nooks and crannies and upstairs and downstairs, so much fun to get lost in. This was where we had our first date, cuz we are both such bookworms. It's also where we had our first kiss on that date...standing in front of the physics section, both of us looking for his favorite author, Richard Feynman, and I look up at him, and his looking at me and it was magic, and we kissed and it was amazing!!

There is nothing better than getting homemade cake batter ice cream and sitting outside the storefront while he reads to me from a book we picked up there. We do this about once a month. The time before this it was raining and felt so wonderful to be outside, our table was perfectly positioned under the awning so we stayed dry. He read a Steven King story to me that was frightening about a plan to stop smoking.

So I had my suspicions (more like wishes, lol) as he was being so cuddly and kissing me all through the bookstore, but I just assumed we were book shopping and he was in a mood. We wind our way back to that same physics section, and I'm looking for a replacement copy of his favorite book by, you guessed it, Dr. Feynman, as the cover is completely ripped off and pages are coming off now, and he needs a new one. I turn around to tell him there is not one Feynman book to be had when I look at him, and he smiles and starts pulling a ring out of his pocket and gets down on one the middle of the bookstore, and asks me to be his wife. Isn't that lovely? Of course I said yes, then let him put the ring on my finger and kissed him fiercely.

Our birthdays are both in September, so I requested a sapphire ring to symbolize both of us. It has four little diamonds on either side and it looks vintage. I love it. I found this picture online. I love it so much, we've decided to use it as my wedding ring too. You can't really see in the picture the designs on the sides that make it look so beautifully vintage.

Tonight I bought his wedding ring. He wanted a sapphire too, so I got him this titanium one with a tension mount. He has already seen it online and loved it.

So as soon as I can find an wedding officiant, we are going to elope on November 20th with my kids, then have our immediate families come that night to have a private party at a restaurant. Now I'm on to make plans for a cake and some little wedding favors and elopement announcements for the rest of our families and friends.

Sigh...It is amazing how much my life has changed in a year. I'm so very happy :)

Oh we had the ultrasound for the baby about 3 weeks ago. Everything is great aside from the morning pukings. I'm currently 11 weeks 2 days. Sometime in December we'll have the next ultrasound for the sex. I'm dying to know...I have suspicions it's a girl, and last time I was dead on with Mr. E. I knew he was a boy from the get go, but this time I don't feel so sure.

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