
Monday, January 11, 2010

Sorry about the website thing and baby news

I haven't had time to be around here in awhile. I just realized my website expired about 2 months ago. I'm in the midst of updating it and will have the tutorial information back on in the next few days, just need to point the DNS servers the right way. Sorry!!

Oh and....the baby is a girl! She likes to clap too, lol. We had my big sonogram about a month ago and she kept clapping her hands in utero. It was quite weird, lol. I think I have a video I can upload here of her clapping. Her first name will be Molly....I'm not sure we have a middle name yet, we were both leaning toward Anastasia, but it wasn't definitive.

Life is great with my wonderful new husband, I love nothing more than waking up snuggled to him...if only we could stay that way til the afternoon, lol. He's very excited as he wanted a girl. Now if I could just make sure she came out with red hair and fair skin (which there is a huge chance genetically from moi of both of those, lol), he'd be over the moon, lol.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:19 AM

    happy for you!! , what an exciting news!! y.paz
