
Thursday, July 08, 2010

She's Alive!!

Yes I am alive. I'm sure y'all thought I forgot about this here lil blog, but I haven't. Getting my website fixed has been a bit of an issue. Hopefully in the very near future, I will have the tutorials all working again...very soon.

Big News...I'm officially a stay-at-home mommy again!! The last two months have turned us upside down. I had a baby, we moved, and my hubby started a new dream job. We've moved to a wonderful new house in a wonderful neighborhood with lots of kids and a neighborhood pool from a tiny shoebox apartment (starting life over is HARD!) . My hubby is studying for his stockbroker exam and getting paid to do it. He's performing with flying colors and at the end of the month, he will be an official stockbroker. So we made the decision that I can stay home, so I quit my job last week. It was hard...I worked for a breastmilk bank...I actually pasteurized the milk and was in charge of the lab. I have never loved a job more, and hopefully I can go back there to work in about 3 years when Miss Molly enters preschool. I hope to become a donor mom myself (feel free to email me about how to do that if you want to as well) when the baby is no longer exclusively nursing.

And the reason I'm a SAHMommy again? This adorable thing...named Molly Elizabeth...aka Punkin or Ladybug or Mollyball...born in April, she's 11 weeks old and the strongest baby I've ever had. She can nearly sit up alone, it's freaky....Her big sister and brother think she is THE most adorable thing ever and are the best little babysitters when I need them. She has the funkiest hair too and came out with a lot. When they gave her a bath in the nursery, she came back with a faux hawk and her hair naturally turns into faux hawk style, lol. She has adorable little ringlets of reddish blonde hair.

Anyway...because I am now a SAHMommy again, I will be restarting my blog again with NEW tutorials and book reviews and more. Just give me a couple weeks to settle the website issues so that all those tutorials will return and I will be posting regularly starting next week. WOOHOO!! I will also be starting eBay auctions for my fabric hoard and an etsy store for my obsessive sewing to help me stay home with my kidlets. changes...if you would like to contact me until I update all the stuff around here...try stephanickety at

See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Well congrats! I remember all the craziness a while back.
