
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sweet Potato Zimbabwe Cookies in my new kitchen!!

So we've officially moved into the "she who must not be named's" house or Voldy as I like to call her. Apart from the lunatic who is apparently wanting to pay her own and my legal fees-- all in all it's a much nicer house than our rental if you can get past the ruined carpet from the fly by night dog kennel she was allowing to roam free through the house. I have an island in my kitchen -- woohoo!! Plus lots of cabinet space and a bedroom for each kidlet. And my dear hubby seems to be open to having one last baby in a few more years. The baby is growing so fast; she's walking and trying to talk and I'm not ready to leave the baby years behind…sigh.

Anyway, so I am sure you are thinking, "Wtf? Zimbabwe cookies?" my dear darling daughter chose Zimbabwe as her country for the little social studies fair tomorrow night. For the cultural part, we are doing food for people to sample complete with recipe cards These are Zimbabwe Sweet Potato Cookies with a lovely lemon glaze. They have lemon and honey and nutmeg plus a cup of sweet potato. The baby loves these cookies without the glaze. Next up in the morning I'm making crock pot peanut butter stew except instead of beef or lamb we're doing turkey. I'm betting the stew is going to be delicious.

Ok off to bed. There are four more days of school left.

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