
Saturday, June 04, 2011

I can't believe it!!

So I am officially registered for my very last classes to graduate. I have 3 this summer and 2 in the fall. And in december I graduate!! My degree is general studies with concentrations in sociology and business. I've worked it so my classes all revolve around the ethics of business and consumers. I'm not sure if I'm going to go on and get a masters or what. I cannot wait to finish and pursue sewing and pattern design again. I think I want to grow a business doing that. Anyway, it is just thrilling to see the light coming at the end of the tunnel.

On another note I'm going to sell some of my beloved fabrics on eBay from Trefle and PRR and Baby Lulu and others. It's my contribution for our legal fund against the female version of Voldemort.

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