Friday, May 09, 2008

And more books, of course!

So I haven't posted any reviews on books I've been reading. This one is the latest in my mission to read everything by Philippa Gregory. It's about Robert Dudley the rumored lover of Queen Elizabeth and their relationship and how he basically dumps his own wife for the new queen. His wife ends up depressed and dies. I'm still reading it, but I've started another book and haven't picked it up lately. I don't think it's as good as her other works. It seems a little ho-hum, nothing really scandalous is happening to keep my attention yet.
This is the book I'm reading now, and I can't put it down. It got really bad reviews on and I'm not sure why. I love Alice Sebold's works. I devoured Lucky, her memoir, and The Lovely Bones. I really like her writing style, and I like this new one, The Almost Moon, too. It's like a horrible traffic accident and you can't look away. I guess you could call it a train wreck. The first sentence of the book, Helen tells you she's killed her mother. And so far it's been just a trainwreck after that. I'm not sure she's crazy yet or not. Her mother was mentally ill her entire life and she hated her for it, and it seems at this point her mother was in her 80s and had dementia and it was somewhat of a mercy killing. I'm about 80% through the book and it's been a real page turner wondering if she's going to get caught or what. I have really enjoyed it and so far haven't agreed with the crap reviews for it on Amazon.

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