Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Thirteenth Tale

Do you love a good gothic mystery? This is The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. And oh my god it's good!! I had read Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights in high school, but it wasn't until now that I have realized how much I love a gothic mystery. I could not put this book down and when I had to, it kept calling me back. I was a little skeptical I would enjoy it, but the synopsis and reviews made it sound very enticing, and truly I could not leave this book alone. It took about 5 days for me to finish it and that was only because I had force myself to quit reading it. It was so easy to fall completely into the story and forget the world around, I love it when I can get into a book that quickly. This book is definitely written for the book lover, and if you love Jane Eyre, this is right up your alley. It's about ghosts and secrets. This is the kind of book you want to snuggle up with a big quilt and a hot cup of cocoa on a rainy day and just read and read.

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