Monday, May 28, 2012

Subway Art Teacher Gift & A Creepy Piano

UntitledI saw this absolutely adorable subway art sign for a teacher's gift over at My Sister's Suitcase. They have several really great ideas for teachers, so head on over there and check them out. I think they originally got the idea from eighteen25, which is where you can print the awesome sign, among other cool stuff too!

 I decided the subway art was the perfect gift for my son's teacher, so I made one today for him to bring to school tomorrow.  I really like how it came out.  I used the idea of gluing a pencil to the top and tied it off with ribbon.  I also picked up a neat little plate holder from Goodwill that I'm sending along with the sign.

I had two purposes for going to Goodwill.  The first one was that plate holder you can see holding the sign above.  The second was I saw bikes there for $15.95/each earlier this week.  So, hubby and I got two really nice bikes.  However....if we could have gotten our rears up earlier in the day, we could have gotten them for 50% off of that price  We are such losers.  I thought the email said the sale was all day, but unfortunately the 50% off everything at Goodwill sale ended at noon.  We finally made it at 2 pm. 

UntitledOh yes, I just remembered the rest of the title is "a creepy piano."  So, here it is in all its former glory.  An orange dreamsicle colored child's piano.  Think of all the creepy music in a horror movie, especially one that could possible involve possessed dolls...yep, that's what it sounds like.  Awesome, huh? My 2 year old LOVES it!

I'm definitely refinishing it.  Already have the sand paper ready.  But, I'm debating on selling it at The TipToe Fairy boutique or keeping it for my two year old and my husband, the lover of all things musical no matter how creepy.  I made him drive up to Goodwill to take the bikes home in his car, and when I showed him the piano, he literally could not keep his hands off it.  What a weirdo, lol. 

On a side note to all the Texans, who the heck are you voting for in the primary?  I can't stand anybody. I'm not even sure if I'm going to the Democratic or Republican primary tomorrow.

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